Monday, January 16, 2012

Luci Jaye.


Yesterday you turned 2. I just cannot wrap my mind around that. I love watching you grow and seeing you learn but I want you to still be my little baby, too. Gone are the days when you just rolled around in the floor and chewed on your little teething, I'm just trying to keep up with you. The other day, you were supposed to be taking a nap. When your daddy went to check on you, he couldn't find you. We looked all over the place. Then we heard, "Baa, baa, black sheep, have you any wool..." being sung from your closet and opened the door to find you pulling out all your shoes. You are funny. You have a weird obsession with "Alice" as you call her because Alice in Wonderland has to be in your DVD player at all times (when it is YOUR turn to pick a movie.)

Oh, and here is a list of things we have found in your mouth lately:
1. a "mini" dice
2. a penny
3. Burt's Bee's Chapstick (at least your breath smelled good!)
4. the top to a Christmas ornament
5. a glass ornament (that you broke into about 15 pieces...IN your mouth)
6. 2 plastic rings (the kind you wear on your finger)

You LOVE Elmo. iPhones. Being naked. Your sock monkey. Being naked. Knocking things down. Being naked. Biting (your sister). Oh, and being naked.

You are always singing. You like "Happy You Know" which is If You're Happy and You Know It, Praise Him, Praise Him, All Ye Little Children, He's Still Working On Me (to make me what I ought to be), Only A Boy Named David, Baa, Baa Black Sheep, Itsy, Bitsy Spider.

Your daddy says that he appreciates your aggressiveness...we just need to be working on channeling it in positive ways because right now, you pretty much destroy anything in your path.

You are our one and only "rhino," our LuceJ (pronounced 'loose-j') or just plain "Loose", our Lu Lu. We love you so much and thank the Lord for allowing us to be your parents. You bring such joy to our lives.

Pics from the past:

Loafman 1

Loafman 2

Loafman 3
Proud PapaFamily of 4Megan Meets Luci

Loafman 4

Loafman 5

Loafman 6
Baby Dedication DayDaddies and BabiesFamily Pic

Loafman 7

Loafman 8

Loafman 9
HomegirlNo More CerealCici's Girl

Loafman 10

Loafman 11

Loafman 12
Blue Eyed GirlPapa D TimeLittle Donut

Loafman 13

Loafman 14

Loafman 15
The Baby WhispererSweet CousinsLoving Uncle D

Loafman 16

Loafman 17

Loafman 18
Luci and LaLaAfter ChurchAunt Nelda

Loafman 27

Loafman 28

Loafman 29
With TracyPapa DOmi and Luci

Loafman 30

Loafman 31

Loafman 32
Mi TiaMommy's BabyLuci and Mrs. Jodi

Loafman 33

Loafman 34

Loafman 35
NanaGrumpy's GirlNamesake

Loafman 36

Loafman 37

Loafman 38

Your 2nd Birthday party was at McDonald's. We had Elmo cupcakes and lots of fun. Your favorite people came to the party: Tracy, Lynn, Ann, LaLa, Uncle Richard & Megan, Kristi, Jaycee, & Kristalyn, the Baskin girls, and of course, Mama Luci, Papa D, Nana, Pop & Cici. Here are some pics!

Loafman 20

Loafman 21

Loafman 22
Luci is 2BraidsSliding

Loafman 23

Loafman 24

Loafman 25
Lexi KayeCupcakesKristalyn

Loafman 26

Loafman 27

Loafman 28

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