Wednesday, October 5, 2011

I Love Fall

Let's start with a couple of precious pics! These kids are so sweet! (It is SUPER hard to get Luci still enough to take a picture so this is as good as it gets!)

I think fall and winter are the most wonderful times of the year for many people...I know it is true for me! When school gets back in session, things seem to fall into a comfortable routine. Matthew is ALL about college football so he will stand in front of the tv (with Luke in his arms) and yell at the Notre Dame if there is some invisible microphone and speaker system that allows him to coach the guys from our living room (ha!!) little girly girl, Lexi, has shifted her focus to bigger and better girly make-up! I cringe when I hear her tiny voice ask, "Mommy, where's my make-up purse?" Although it is "play" make-up, it is still a huge mess. But, as much as "neat-freak mommy" hates to see a mess, I LOVE providing a place for my little girl to play and have fun. I have tried showing her that the lipstick ONLY goes on her lips, but this is what we end up with every time.

The girls would live at the park if they could. Please note the looks on their faces. Tracy came out to the park along with Jaycee & Kristalyn, the girls' bff's...oh, and Mama Luci, Papa D, Pop & Cici were there to play, too!

Here is a new pic of Baby Luke...or "B-yoook" as Luci calls him...otherwise known as "Lukey Boy" to Lexi...or "Wooook!" to Knox.

I need your help! I am trying to figure out what costumes I'm gonna make for the kids for our church's Fall Festival. I want something that coordinates (nothing scary!) Comment to me to give me your thoughts...I welcome other suggestions, as well. I have been sewing the costumes since Lexi had her first Halloween and I want to keep doing it until they say, "Mom...quit making us wear these stupid things!" Here are my thoughts:

1. Peter Pan theme (Lexi- Wendy Darling, Luci- Tinkerbell, Luke- Peter Pan)...oh, and Lexi says that Mimi (her great-grandmother) is gonna be "Captain Hook." hahaha

2. Flowers (Lexi & Luci) & a Bee (Luke)

3. ___________________ (other)

Let me know your thoughts! Think hard!!!

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