It has occurred to me that days are gone in the blink of an eye and I want to remember these wonderful times with my Three Little L's...Lexi - 2, Luci - 1, and Luke - 4 weeks old.
Every day is crazy...almost beyond what I can handle, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. As soon as I wake up in the morning (from what little sleep I had), I hit the ground running...three bags to pack + what I call my "office" in a bag, lunches made, sippy cups ready, nap mats by the door, bathe whoever didn't get bathed the night before, breakfast laid out, clothe 3 kids + myself, find BOTH shoes for each kid, make sure hair and teeth get brushed...then comes the part where we load all the stuff and all the kids in the car and get to the church by 8 am...ish!
Matthew has to be up and gone at the crack of dawn so he is SO wonderfully patient when I text him in a panic and on "overload!" His plate is definitely not empty, either, because he is in the middle of football season and is preaching on Sundays at a church an hour away from home...oh, and he is taking graduate classes online with OU.
My husband and children are such a blessing and although we are in a whirlwind, I want to enjoy this beautiful time in my life.
Lexi Kaye...The Girlie Girl
Luci Jaye...The Tornado
Luke Ryan...Coach-in-Training
Randi, you have a beautiful family! God Bless you all!!