Matthew & I celebrated four years of marriage on September 15th. It's been a busy four years but we have so much to show for it! I love that guy and I'm thankful for his godly leadership in our home. We decided to have our anniversary dinner at Magic Time Machine Restaurant....WITH the 3 kids. How romantic!? Fail!...Lexi was scared to death because the waiters dress up as some kind of character and some of them are kind of strange looking. We had Princess Peach from Super Mario Bros. Then, Luke was very fussy because it was so loud in there so half the time I was standing up bouncing him on my shoulder. That's about all I can say about that. Oh well...the food was good.
My precious little Luci...she's a little mischievous sometimes. We talk about how attached she is to her cup. She wants something to, every second of the day! We were out somewhere the other day and this guy we know had his Sonic drink and a little plastic cup next to that. I turn my back for ONE second and Luci grabs the plastic cup and turns it up to drink from it. I will spare you the details but I do believe it was his "tobacco cup" (if you know what I mean.)
We are working with Lexi on scripture memorization. She has memorized John 14:6 and now we are working on Romans 6:23. She memorizes so easily but she gets a little confused and says, "For the wages of sin is eternal life." Whoa...let's back up and get that straight. Another do you explain "wages" to a two-year-old? I don't know but I fully believe God's Word is in her little heart.