*******News Flash******We are expecting our 4th child in November. Here are the numbers...Lexi will be turning 4, Luci will be (almost) 3, and Luke will be 15 months. We are excited and we're praying for a healthy baby girl OR boy.
Some things worth sharing about the kids:
Lexi- 3 years, 4 months
Our little Lexi is so imaginative. She will be sitting in her car seat and she'll look into the sky and find a cloud that looks like a dinosaur or a heart. She is so sweet and cuddly and is usually very respectful and obedient. For about a month now, she has been talking about her little boy, Bucket. She also says she has another mom named Ladybug. I have NO idea where this came from and I just played along for the first day thinking that was the only day I would here about it, but every day she continues to tell me that Bucket is sick and he has to see Dr. Henry (her doc that she doesn't just LOVE). She says that Bucket has been in the hospital and that she watched Sesame Street with him. Here and there, she will throw Ladybug's name in there and say something about her "mom." I just go with it and smile and tell her to make sure and take care of Bucket so he will feel better. This morning, she came in wearing her lipstick, tiara, and play earrings and she said, "Mommy, I want to be a mommy." I told her she will be a good mommy someday. When she went the other room and told her dad, I heard him say, "Well, you just need to enjoy being a little girl right now." Now, you are going to think that I selected these photos of Lexi very carefully, but seriously.....these are the only pictures I have of Lexi by herself because she is ALWAYS playing dress up and putting on her play make-up. She is the epitome of a girlie-girl!
Luci- 2 years, 2 months
Luci Jaye is hard to describe. She can be sweet and then..BAM...she can be NOT sweet. She definitely is not going to be pushed around. The other day, she crawled up in the chair with me while I was holding Luke. She was too wiggly and squirmy and I said, "Now, Luci...stop it!" She leaned up to me like she was going to give me a sweet hug and she said in a soft, sweet voice, "Don't say 'Stop it!' I was totally thrown off....the little stinker! I have begun to notice that Luke will be sitting on the floor just-a-playin' and happy and Luci will come and circle him and he begins to cry. Needless to say, I think he has a pretty healthy fear of her. Luci is definitely my strong-willed, not easily swayed, tough-as-nails little girl. I love her that way...we just have to keep a handle on it! Once again, these are the photos of Luci in her natural state....I'm not kidding.
Luke- 7 months, 5 days
Our Lukey-boy is growing up way too fast! He sleeps all night in his own room, makes a clicking sound, says "da-da" every now and then, eats baby food and Gerber "puffs." He has two bottom teeth and he is working on the two top teeth. Oh, and I'm sitting here looking at him and noticed that I need to write that he is constantly sticking his little tongue out. He is SO chunky! We're not used to that with our petite girls. He really is such a good baby...he cries when he is hungry or sleepy, but other than that, he is very happy. When we go out to a restaurant, you would not even know an infant was with us...he is THAT quiet and content. He thinks his sisters are the funniest things ever. He sits in the floor and laughs so hard at them running around. Here are some photos of Luke from the last couple of months.